Tuesday, August 26, 2008

DMOZ tag and Google descriptions

Everyone should submit their website to DMOZ, the manually maintained index of websites. It might take a few submissions of your site and make sure you pick your cateogory carefully. Hopefully, someone will review your site and add it to the DMOZ index.

The down side is that unless you specifically exclude the use of the description that appears in DMOZ, Google will use the DMOZ description for the description on every page of your site in the SERPs (search engine results pages). The META tag code that you need to include is called NOODP.

meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOODP"

Use this code and eventually, Google will stop using your DMOZ description in the SERPs.

However, make sure that you have custom descriptions for each of your major pages (ideally all of your pages).


Anonymous said...

is called.... ???

Do let us know Andrew. :-)

Andrew Allen said...

Oops...forgot to include the tag. thanks for pointing that out. I edited the post.

The META tag code that you need to include is called NOODP.

meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOODP"