Monday, August 25, 2008

Able Paint and Glass update - Burlington Vermont SEO Project

Great progress. We optimized the pages with new H1 tags, descriptions, METAs, etc; cross linked pages; submitted to the search engines; and blogged about the site changes.

In just a few weeks, here are some results: #1 for Flooring Burlington Vermont local and natural, #4 for Paint Burlington Vermont natural Glass Burlington Vermont #3 Natural #4 local, Eco Paint Burlington Vermont #2 natural, Eco Paint Vermont #6 natural Flooring Vermont #12 Natural.

And today, they are #1 for Burlington Vermont flooring and Burlington VT flooring, the biggest division of their company. They were not even in the top 50 on Google for these terms 2 months ago.

In addition, their YouTube commercial postings have been viewed 100 times in the first 5 days.

We are going to run a full position report tonight and I can give an update. Able Paint and Glass is on our OnlineMarketingWorks intermediate program.